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时间:2011-05-16 15:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1.        Herbert Kindler在他的《慎重对待危机的艺术》一书中,提出了一种危机应对模型,主张通过改变该模型三个因素中的一个或多个因素来增加或降低风险。下列哪三个因素是Kindler危机应对模型中所包括的因素?
1)     成功的可能性、责任、潜在损失
2)     个人归因、责任、积极的关系
3)     潜在所得、易受损性、结果的不确定性
4)     资源投入、对投入的预期收益、可能的更坏结果
2.        组织在面对不断变革的环境时,下面哪种方法在提高绩效上是必须的?
1)     对投资收益进行分析,可以发现是否需要投入更多的资源
2)     建立新的组织目标或导向需要建立新的、以前没有预料到的绩效类型
3)     依靠新的绩效类型来实现传统目标,需要对员工进行不断培训
4)     新的组织目标或导向减少绩效类型时,需要一些员工去寻找新的职业
3.        下列哪种典型的咨询角色可以帮助客户了解问题解决的过程,并且使他们将来能够独立解决类似问题?
1)     专家角色
2)     合作角色
3)     左右手角色
4)     引导者-促进者角色
4.        Rummler Brache在《提高绩效:如何管理组织结构图中的空白区域?》一书中提出,有六个因素直接影响员工的工作效率和工作有效性。下列哪个因素是该六个因素之一?
1)     不断改进的、原则性的程序和过程
2)     组织的领导行为和管理团队的水平
3)     该组织拥有良好的工作环境的声誉和积极形象
4)     提供足够的支持,包括提供必需的资源、时间、权利和程序等
5.        人力资源专业人员如何应对变革的进程和难以预测的特性?
1)     设计有专业技术水准的人力资源管理系统
2)     保持警惕,照常工作
3)     在传统的人力资源管理要求方面保持精通
4)     学习如何快速设计,并实施这些精心设计的系统
6.        你是培训经理,现在需要实施一项新的生产效率管理系统。有一位经理在与她的同事讨论变革实施的意义之前,一直对实施该系统持勉强态度。下列哪个描述更准确地说明了该经理对变革的态度?
1)     冒险者
2)     叙述者
3)     说服者
4)     调节者
7.        你负责在组织内实施一项新的系统。这个变革会影响到一些经理。他们对你提出了意见。你应当:
1)     承认他们的意见是事实,并尝试去说服他们
2)     指出他们所提的意见中的薄弱环节
3)     请他们保留意见,让他们尝试用30天时间去适应新的系统
4)     再次向他们保证,变革是经过深思熟虑的决策,他们没有担心的必要
8.        对于变革推动者来说,下列哪一项对于理解消费者、成功实施变革至关重要?
1)     技术
2)     工作流程
3)     知识基础
4)     任务和导向
9.        作为变革推动者,人力资源专业人员更需要关注的是:
1)     组织文化
2)     组织气氛
3)     组织学习
4)     组织绩效
10.     认知失调弱化理论是用来解释人们为什么反对变革的。下列这些问题有可能是一位反对变革的人提出来的。其中哪一个问题更恰当地说明了认知失调弱化理论?
1)     他们为什么要进行变革?
2)     如果变革没有起到作用会怎么样?
3)     你是不是想告诉我,我过去10年做的管理工作都是错的?
4)     我们一边做工作,一边进行这些变革怎么样?
11.     人们反对变革的原因主要有四点。如果员工指出,他对某项变革的有效性表示怀疑,这种表现产生的原因属于下列哪种:
1)     怕麻烦
2)     不相信、不确定
3)     安全感和现有地位的丧失
4)     认知失调弱化
12.     下列哪一点不是促进变革成功的基本因素:
1)     描绘变革结果的蓝图
2)     给变革参与者说明变革的意义
3)     让受到变革影响的人们参与到计划制定中来
4)     不断保证变革会成功
13.     领导行为中的导向作用可能导致:
1)     承诺感得到培养
2)     创造了愿景和战略
3)     发展了特定的目标和任务
4)     明确表达了一种稳定的、不会变化的基础
14.     与他人谈判时,关注于下列哪个方面会更加有效?
1)     潜在的、可以妥协的方面
2)     双方参与人员的地位
3)     双方潜在兴趣
4)     双方更为一致的看法
15.     团队领导者的更基本的工作是:
1)     能够在把潜在团队发展为正式团队的过程中起到协调的作用
2)     在提供指导和放弃控制之间保持正确的平衡
3)     能够基于自身在组织中的声望使用非正式权力
4)     能够放弃所有的控制和制定决策的影响,使得潜在团队成长为正式团队
16.     成功协调的更重要的组成部分是:
1)     中立的调节者
2)     调节过程的正式性
3)     调节者进行非权力影响的能力
4)     调节者对于争议问题的了解
17.     员工补偿条款的规定包括对某些收入损失的补偿、                  、对某些永久性残疾者支付的补偿金和对遗属提供的抚恤金。
1)     医疗费用
2)     康复费用
3)     医疗和康复费用
4)     为工伤员工提供新的工作岗位
18.     安全和健康条款通常包括对工作场所和设备进行检查、对安全系统进行培训、定期举行安全例会、使用安全录像和手册,以及:
1)     定期与卫生保健组织进行会谈
2)     对安全政策进行笔试
3)     防止突发事件
4)     进行安全应对突发事件的演习
19.     对管理者而言,应当在什么时候采用技术和电话监管政策?
1)     任何时候
2)     只有当他们得到组织中所有员工的书面赞成的时候
3)     当他们感觉需要对某个员工进行监督的时候
4)     如果他们与员工交流这些政策,以消除员工希望不受干扰的想法的时候
20.     下列哪项事件不应当成为纪律惩罚的原因:
1)     请假后外出
2)     在工作中打盹
3)     在工作中打架斗殴
4)     伪造记录
21.     在团队成员与工作单位,或者员工之间进行沟通时,哪种沟通方式更常用?
1)     口头沟通
2)     向上沟通
3)     正式的向下沟通
4)     横向沟通
22.     在直接上下级关系中,当下属出现抱怨或申诉时,更重要的是:
1)     坚持严格的政策,只考虑与工作相关的申诉
2)     尽早解决问题,与员工进行多次交流
3)     请上一级管理层来解决员工的所有申诉
4)     让员工用自己的时间去处理与工作有关的申诉
23.     组织在招聘或留住女性员工,下列哪一项不是应当考虑的政策和管理实践?
1)     弹性工作时间
2)     日托中心
3)     陪产假
4)     调查性骚扰案件
24.     对许多员工而言,老板提供给他们的福利通常被认为是:
1)     老板给他们支付低工资的一种方法
2)     属于全部报酬中不怎么重要的一部分
3)     与老板支付的真实薪酬同等重要
4)     当与别的老板比较本组织提供的报酬是不是有竞争性时,福利不是重要的部分
25.     组织决定升职后的加薪或增加加班费时,应当考虑进行:
1)     对薪酬管理实践和方法进行调查
2)     通过描述薪酬支付的动态变化过程,获得薪酬发展趋势的调查结果
3)     及时对某一固定时段上某一职位的市场薪酬水平进行调查
4)     对员工福利进行调查
26.     宽幅管理的一个主要的好处是:
1)     经理和高层管理者可以减少工作量
2)     在决定是否加薪时更加容易判断
3)     增强组织在工作分配时因条件变化而变化的灵活性
4)     提供更多层级的支付结构
27.     组织工作的发展趋势是动态化,很重要的一点是,保证工作分类系统的准确性。为此,我们应当:
1)     每年回顾一次所有工作分类情况
2)     给员工提供工具,让他们评价自己的工作分类
3)     雇佣外界专门的咨询机构对所有工作分类进行重组
4)     进行定期的工作回顾
28.     确定薪酬系统中工作层级的数量时,不需要考虑的因素是:
1)     技术和责任的差别
2)     管理者/下属关系
3)     职业层级数
4)     工资预算
29.     工作描述和分类说明是决定考核的性质和内容的基本依据,这是因为,它们提供了工作所需要的:
1)     个人背景信息
2)     典型经验
3)     技术、技能和人格特质
4)     职责、知识、技术、能力和经验
30.     下列哪个因素不会用于工作分类系统?
1)     工作类型
2)     与公众的接触
3)     发生错误的结果
4)     服务年限
31.     人力资源部在绩效管理过程中推动变革,扮演的更重要的角色是:
1)     变革的领导者
2)     员工的代表
3)     对管理提供支持
4)     准备好新的绩效评价表格
32.     反对基于绩效的薪酬支付方式的人们认为:
1)     经济激励是促使员工提高绩效的唯一方式
2)     可能导致员工之间潜在的恶性竞争,同时可能导致员工为自己设立容易实现的目标
3)     组织可以准确地了解到绩效更好的员工
4)     尤其在公共管理部门,经济报酬是足够的,没有必要以绩效为基础进行区分
33.     下列哪个因素不应包括到绩效管理系统中?
1)     绩效评价过程
2)     对补偿性报酬策略进行说明
3)     个人发展和自我学习
4)     指导和咨询
34.     哪个绩效评估系统需要上司、下级和同事的评价?
1)     基于个性的绩效评估
2)     强制分配
3)     360度反馈/多评价者评估
4)     行为锚定评价
35.     在组织中为了提高绩效管理的有效性,人力资源专业人员应当:
1)     确保按时完成绩效评估
2)     了解现有的评估系统,变革现有系统的需求、让组织准备好接受变革
3)     为管理者提供详细的员工绩效报告
4)     开发一个为绩效优秀者加薪的系统
36.     在团队合作中,如何避免由于个人报酬不同而可能产生的消极影响?
1)     为团队设立容易实现的目标,使团队所有成员可以获得同样的报酬
2)     不考虑团队成员的个人贡献,给他们提供相同的报酬
3)     鼓励团队成员关注个人绩效
4)     将团队作为一个整体进行奖励,让团队成员自己决定如何分配。
37.     为了维持变革,人力资源专业人员应当在评价绩效管理系统是否有助于实现组织目标方面扮演主要角色。为确保实现组织目标,管理者和经理人应当:
1)     实施绩效管理系统,并期望它是有效的
2)     依赖单方面评价技术来激励员工
3)     承认咨询、指导和倾听技巧的重要性
4)     不断给予员工经济回报,以保证生产效率
38.     如果要求你来决定组织是否有合适的员工来填补某个职位空缺,你会采取下列哪一项措施?
1)     鼓励员工推荐自己的亲朋好友
2)     回顾员工的工作记录,看能否发现称职的员工
3)     与专业机构联系
4)     与职业介绍所联系
39.     组织应当定期评估当前和未来所需的劳动力,因为:
1)     全球化和世界性的经济竞争
2)     潜在的劳动力数量的下降
3)     私营企业雇主在适应飞速变化的雇佣情况中所面临的困难
4)     网络招聘带来的影响
40.     为保证面试结果有效性,应当关注下列哪一项内容?
1)     待聘岗位的工作要求
2)     面试考官的兴趣
3)     求职者在以前职位上的工作表现
4)     求职者将来想要从事的工作
41.     一些政府部门依靠本地的行政或公益机构作为更主要的招聘途径,这些系统存在的一个问题是:
1)     比较陈旧、缓慢、低效
2)     不能鉴别出更称职的求职者
3)     只能用于提升目的
4)     升级或改进的费用较高
42.     下列选项中不属于外部招聘方法的是:
1)     提升现有员工的水平
2)     鼓励员工推荐亲朋好友
3)     借助雇佣代理机构
4)     校园招聘
43.     在你提出并说明一种有关劳动力需求计划的管理措施时,你不会考虑:
1)     分析目前劳动力状况的方法和程序
2)     明确未来的劳动力需求
3)     实施解决方案,使得组织可以顺利完成使命、目标和任务
4)     过去三年中组织的经济收益
44.     笔试存在的一个问题是:
1)     笔试不是基于知识的测验
2)     笔试耗费时间、实施较困难
3)     笔试不能测出求职者的经验或培训结果的深度或质量
4)     笔试是一种过时的招聘方法。
45.     要使整个组织得到发展,不需要考虑下列哪一项内容?
1)     员工
2)     系统
3)     资源
4)     制度
46.     强调针对工作过程中细节的学习机会是:
1)     发展
2)     培训
3)     在岗培训
4)     绩效管理
47.     培训过程不包括下列哪一项?
1)     明确需求
2)     发展课程
3)     实施培训
4)     追踪工作绩效
48.     成年人是有经验的学习者,如果培训具有下列哪一个特征,就有可能得到更好的学习效果?
1)     培训是理论性的
2)     培训环境的结构化
3)     主要是讲课,讨论不多
4)     提供反思和讨论的时间
49.     Kirkpatrick的培训评价四层次中,哪一层次为培训提供了客户满意度指标?
1)     层次一
2)     层次二
3)     层次三
4)     层次四
50.     在岗培训应当:
1)     仅用于提高技术
2)     仅由熟悉该技术的同事提供培训
3)     仅用于与正式的课堂教学相结合的培训
4)     不仅用于技术培训,也用于人际之间的工作技能培训
Sample Examination
Competency Model Questions
1. In his book, The Art of Prudent Risk-Taking, Herbert Kindler presents a risk-taking model in which risks can be increased or decreased by changing one or more of the three factors in the model. Which of the following includes the three factors in Kindler's risk-taking model?
            a.         Probability of success, liability, potential loss.
            b.         Personal attributes, liability, positive relationships.
            c.         Potential gain, vulnerability to loss, and outcome uncertainty.
            d.         Resource investment, anticipated return on investment, and worst possible outcome.
2. Which of the following is one of the ways that needs for improved performance occur within today's organizations as they struggle with constant change?
            a.         The analysis of return on investment may indicate that more resources are being expended than is justified.
            b.         New organizational goals or directions may require new types of performance that have not previously been expected.
            c.         Achievement of traditional goals by means of new types of performance may require continuous employee training.
            d.         New organizational goals or directions may eliminate types of performance, requiring those employees to find new careers.
 3. Which of the following typical consultant roles offers the advantage that the client learns about the solution process and may be able to handle similar problems alone in the future?
            a.         Expert role.
            b.         Collaborative role.
            c.         Pair-of-hands role.
            d.         Director-facilitator role.
 4. In their book, Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart, Rummler and Brache identify six factors that directly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of employee performance in the work place setting. Which of the following is included among these factors?
            a.         Progressive disciplinary procedures and processes.
            b.         The quality of the organization's leadership and management team.
            c.         The reputation or positive image that the organization has as a good place to work.
            d.        Adequate support, including necessary resources, time, authority, procedures, etc.
5. What must HR professionals do to cope with the pace and unpredictability of change?
            a.         Design technically proficient HR programs.
            b.         Remain vigilant and conduct business as usual.
            c.         Maintain proficiency in the traditional HR competencies.
d.               Learn to quickly design and implement thoughtful programs.
6. You are training managers to implement a new productivity management system. One of the managers is reluctant to accept the new system until she is able to talk to her peers about the implications the change will have. How would the manager’s orientation to change best be described?
            a.         Risker.
            b.         Relater.
            c.         Reasoner.
            d.         Refocuser.
7. You are responsible for implementing a new procedure in your organization. Several of the managers who will be affected by the change have voiced their concerns to you. You should:
a.         Acknowledge that their concerns are realistic and attempt to address them.
            b.         Point out the weaknesses in the arguments that they have presented to you.
            c.         Ask them to withhold judgment until they have tried the new procedure for 30 days.
            d.         Reassure them that the change has been well conceived and that there is no need for concern.
8. Which of the following is the most important thing for a change agent to understand about a customer in order to be successful in implementing change?
            a.         Technology.
            b.         Work processes.
            c.         Knowledge base.
d.         Mission and objectives.
9. As a change agent, what will the HR professional need to have as his/her primary focus?
            a.         Organizational culture.
            b.         Organizational climate.
            c.         Organizational learning.
d.         Organizational performance.
10. Cognitive dissonance reduction (CDR) is one explanation why people resist change. The following are questions that might be asked by a person who may be resistant to change. Which of these questions would best represent the CDR theory?
            a.         What are their reasons for implementing this change?
            b.         What happens if the change doesn’t make any difference?
c.      Are you trying to tell me I’ve been managing wrong for 10 years?
            d.         How are we ever going to do our work and also make this change?
11. There are four specific reasons why people are resistant to change. If an employee indicates a concern about the effectiveness of a particular change, his/her concern can best be categorized as which of these reasons?
            a.         Inconvenience.
b.         Distrust or uncertainty.
            c.         Loss of security or status.
            d.         Cognitive dissonance reduction (CDR).
12. Which of the following activities would NOT be considered to be essential for cultivating a successful transition?
            a.         Creating a picture of the outcome of the change.
            b.         Providing those involved with the purpose for the change.
            c.         Involving the affected individuals in the development of a plan.
d.         Providing continued assurances that the change will be successful.
13. The direction setting aspect of leadership should result in the:
a.         development of commitment.
b.         creation of vision and strategy.
c.         development of specific goals and objectives.
d.         formulation of a stable, unchanging foundation.
14. When negotiating with others, it is most effective to focus on:
a.         areas of potential compromise.
b.         the stated position of the parties.
c.         the underlying interests of the parties.
d.         areas where the views of the parties are most similar.
15. The essence of a team leader's job is:
            a.         maintaining a consistent role when the potential team grows into a real team.
            b.         achieving the right balance between providing guidance and giving up control.
            c.         being able to use informal authority based on one’s reputation in the organization.
            d.         being able to relinquish all control and decision making to the potential team so it can grow into a real team.
16. One of the most important components of successful mediation is:
            a.         the neutrality of the mediator.
            b.         the formality the mediator bring to the process.
            c.         the mediator's ability to influence without authority.  
            d.         the mediator's knowledge about the issues in dispute.
Employee/Labor Relations
1.     The provisions of workers’ compensation programs involve the replacement of some
lost income, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________, payments for certain permanent disabilities, and death benefits for survivors.
a.      Medical costs
b.     Rehabilitation costs
c.      Medical and rehabilitation costs
d.     New position for injured workers
2. Safety and health programs often include inspections of worksites and equipment, training in safety procedures, regularly scheduled safety meetings, use of videos and manuals, and:
a. periodic meetings with a health care provider.
b. written tests on safety policy.
c. accident prevention
d. practicing emergency safety procedures.
3. When is it acceptable for employers to adopt polices of technology and telephone surveillance?
a. At no time is it acceptable for employers to adopt polices of surveillance.
b. Only if they obtain written approval from all employees in the organization.
c. At any time if they feel there is a need to monitor a specific employee.
d. If they communicate these policy decisions to employees to eliminate privacy
4. Which of the following would not be a cause for discipline?
a. Taking authorized leave.
b. Sleeping on the job.
c. Fighting at work.
d. Falsifying records.
5. Which channel of communication occurs most frequently between team members, work units, and among employees?
a. Oral Communication.
b. Upward Communication.
c. Formal Downward Communication.
d. Horizontal Communication.
6. When dealing with employee grievances at the immediate supervisory level, it is important to:
a. maintain a strict policy of only dealing with work related grievances.
b. deal with problems early and talk frequently with employees.
c. pass all employee grievances to the next level of management.
d. let subordinates deal with work related grievances on their own time.
7. In order to recruit and retain female employees, organizations should consider the following policies and practices with the exception of:
a)     Flextime schedules.
b)     Day care centers.
c)     Paternity leave.
d)     Investigation of sexual harassment cases.
Classification and Compensation
8. For many employees, the benefits that they are provided by their employers are considered:
a. A way for employers to pay lower salaries.
b. Not to be an important part of their total compensation.
c. As important as the actual wages provided by the employer.
d. Unimportant when determining the overall competitiveness of an organization’s
     compensation as compared to other employers.
9. Organizations that want to determine promotional pay increases and premium pay practices, should consider conducting:
a.      Surveys of pay practices and methodologies.
b.     Surveys that provide trend data by describing pay movement over time.
c.      Surveys that contain market pay data for selected jobs at a fixed point in time.
d.     Surveys of employee benefits.
10. A main advantage of broadbanding is:
a.   Managers and supervisors being able to assign less work.
b.   Less discretion in awarding pay increases.
c.   More flexibility to adapt the organization and work assignments to changing
d.   A pay structure with more grades.
11. Jobs in organizations tend to be dynamic. Thus, it is important to ensure the job
classification system is still accurate. To do this:
a.   review all job classifications at one-year intervals.
b.   provide employees with the tools to evaluate their own jobs classifications.
c.   hire an outside consultant to re-organize all job classifications.
d.   conduct periodic job reviews.
12. The number of job grades included in a pay system is based upon all of the following factors EXCEPT:
a.      Skill or responsibility distinctions.
b.     Supervisor/subordinate relationship.
c.      Career progression.
d.     Salary budget.
13. Job descriptions and class specifications are essential in determining the nature and content of examinations because they provide ____ needed on the job.
a.   personnel background information
b.   specific experience
c. skills, abilities, and personality traits
d. duties, knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience
14. Which of the following factors would not be used in a job classification system?
a.      Variety of work performed.
b.     Public contact.
c.      Consequence of error.
d.     Length of service.
Performance Management Module
15. The most important role of the human resource department in initiating changes in how performance is managed is:
a. To be a leader.
b. To be the representative of the employees.
c. To support management.
d. To make sure the new performance appraisal forms are prepared.
16. Opponents of pay-for-performance believe that:
a.   Financial incentives are the only thing that motivates employees to improve their
b.   It will encourage both potentially destructive competition among employees and the
setting of easily attainable goals.
c.   Organizations can accurately identify top performers.
d.   Financial rewards are sufficient, especially in the public sector, so there is not a need
      to make distinctions based on performance.
17. Which element is NOT included in a performance management system:
a. performance appraisal process.
b. formulating a compensation strategy.
c. personal development and self-learning.
d. coaching and counseling.
18. Which type of performance appraisal system requires evaluation from supervisors, subordinates, and co-workers?
a. Personal Trait Based
b. Forced Distribution of Employees
c. 360 degree Feedback/Multi Rater Assessment
d. Behavioral Anchored Rating Scales
19. To improve the management of performance in an organization, human resource professionals need to:
a)     Make sure performance appraisals are completed on time.
b)     Understand the current system, the need to change the system, and the readiness of the organization to accept change.
c)     Provide managers with detailed reports about the performance of their employees.
d)     Develop a system that focuses on increasing the rewards provided to excellent performers.
20. How would you resolve the potential negative impact on cooperation among team members that could result from individual rewards?
a)     Set goals for the team that can be easily achieved so that all team members will receive the same reward.
b)     Provide the same reward for all team members without considering their contributions to the team.
c)     Encourage each member of the team to focus on individual performance.
d)     Reward the team as a group and have the team members decide how it should be shared.
21. In order to sustain change human resources professionals must play a major role in evaluating the impact of performance management systems on accomplishing organizational goals. To ensure success supervisors and managers must:
a)     Implement performance management systems and hope that they work.
b)     Rely on one-sided appraisal techniques to motivate employees.
c)     Acknowledge the importance of counseling, coaching, and listening skills.
d)   Consistently provide monetary rewards to ensure productivity.
Recruitment and Selection
22. If you have been asked to determine whether the organization has any employees with the necessary skills to fill a vacant position, which one of the following would you undertake?
a. Encouraging employees to have their friends and relatives apply for work.
b. Reviewing work records of employees to identify potential applicants.
c. Contacting professional associations.
d. Contracting with an employment agency.
23. Organizations should periodically reassess their current and future workforce needs due to:
a. Globalization and worldwide economic competition.
b. The declining number of potential employees.
c. The difficulty that private employers have in adapting to fast changing employment
d. Internet recruiting.
24. An interview must be related to _________ in order for it to have value.
a.   the work to be performed
b.     the interests of the interviewer
c.      the work performed at the applicant’s last position
d.   work the applicant would like to perform in the future
25. Many governments rely on civil service/merit systems as their primary recruitment tool. What is one of the problems associated with these systems?
a. These systems are antiquated, slow, and cumbersome.
b. These systems do not identify the best candidate for the job.
c. These systems should only be used for promotional purposes.
d. These systems cost too much to update.
26. Which of the following is not an external recruiting methodology?
a.   Promoting current employees
b.   Having employees refer friends and relatives.
c.   Using employment agencies.
d.   Recruiting at colleges and universities.
27. You are asked to provide management with a description of workforce planning. Which of the following would you not include in the description?
a.   Methodical process of analyzing the current workforce.
b.   Identifying future workforce needs.
c.   Implementing solutions so the organization can accomplish its mission, goals, and objectives.
d.   Organizational financial results during the past three years.
28. What is one of the problems associated with written examinations?
a. They are not knowledge-based exams.
b. They are time consuming which makes them difficult to administer.
c. They do not test the depth or quality of an applicant’s experience or training.
d. They are an outdated way of testing applicants.
Employee and Organizational Development
29. Organizational development is a process of improving organizations through the development of all of the following with the exception of:
a. People
b. Processes
c. Resources
d. Systems
30. Instruction that emphasizes job-specific learning opportunities that focus on workplace learning is the definition of:
a. Development
b. Training
c. On-the-job training
d. Performance management
31. Which of the following is not one of the steps included in training:
a. Identifying needs
b. Developing curriculum
c. Conducting training
d. Monitoring job performance
32. Adults are experienced learners and learn best when training:
a. Is theoretical
b. The environment is structured
c. Consists primarily of lecture and does not include much discussion
d. Allows time for reflection and discussion
33. Which of Kirkpatrick’s four levels of training evaluation provides the customer satisfaction rating for the training event?
a. Level I
b. Level II
c. Level III
d. Level IV
34. On-the-job training should be:
a. Used only for developing technical skills.
b. Provided only by a co-worker who is competent in the skill.
c. Used only in conjunction with formal classroom training.
d. Used for both technical and interpersonal job skills.
Sample Questions Exam Key
Competency Model Questions             
1.               C
2.               B
3.               B
4.               D
5.               D
6.               B
7.               A
8.               D
9.               D
10.            C
11.            B
12.            D
13.            B
14.            C
15.            B
16.            A
HR Technical Modules
1.               C
2.               C
3.               D
4.               A
5.               D
6.               B
7.               C
8.               C
9.               A
10.            C
11.            D
12.            D
13.            D
14.            D
15.            A
16.            B
17.            B
18.            C
19.            B
20.            D
21.            C
22.            B
23.            A
24.            A
25.            A
26.            A
27.            D
28.            C
29.            C
30.            B
31.            D
32.            D
33.            A
34.            D


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